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Boy Scout Leadership Games

Aastha Dogra
The boy scout leadership games suggested here are fun and can turn out to be a great learning experience for the participants. Read on...
Almost all boy scout activities, games and trainings have one aim. This aim is to make the boys confident, independent, self-reliant and responsible. The programs for boy scouts are designed in such a way that the participants learn a great deal about how to interact with others and work in groups.
Leadership skills, communication skills, people skills and teamwork - these are some of the lessons that can be learned, provided some useful, creative and interesting games are planned.

Leadership Games and Activities for Boy Scouts


To play this game, divide the scouts into teams of ten each. This game can be played with only two teams at a time. Have all the team members of one team stand in a circle. Choose one leader who will stand in the middle of the circle.
The rest in the circle will face outwards. Instruct the scouts to place their left hand on the right shoulder of the person standing on their side. This way the boys have formed a 'fort' which the other team has to 'capture'.
Next, call the other team and give them a soccer ball. Instruct them that they have to push this ball inside the 'fort', i.e., the circle, with their feet, and every time the soccer ball touches the ground inside the circle, they get a point.
The opposite team has to stop the ball from entering the circle, with their bodies and right hand, but without ever breaking the circle. Their leader who is inside the circle, can save the ball from touching the ground by catching it and throwing it back at the other team. The game is played for ten minutes with each team. The team with maximum points wins.


Make two to three teams. Next, give the teams a line, such as "Ashton was a twelve year old who lived in Texas, but his parents were in...". Leave it open ended. Now, each of the teams have to come up with a story which starts from this line and act out the same in front of others.
The teams get fifteen minutes to create the story and rehearse their act. The teams are given points on how interesting their story is, the acting abilities of the team members, as well as how well they present the story which they have created.


Divide the boys into two groups. Mark a starting line and a finishing line. Appoint a leader from each group and make the two leaders stand at the finishing line. Blindfold the rest of the boys and make them stand at the starting line.
Next, Place a few objects in between the two lines, such as books, furniture, stones, etc. to create 'obstacles'. The leaders now have to guide their entire team, from the starting line to the finishing line, making sure that none of the team members touches any of the obstacles.
For this, he gives instructions like 'go one step to the right or left', 'jump one step ahead', etc. Whenever a team member touches any obstacle, the team gains one point. In the end, the team which crosses over with lesser points is the winner.


This can turn out to be one of the most fun games. Divide the game participants into two or more groups. Next, ask each of the groups to stand in a line. Keep a bucket full of water in front of each line and an empty glass at the end of the line.
The rule of the game is that the first boy has to take water out of the bucket, with his hands, and pass it on to the next person, who then passes it to the third one. Likewise, water is passed to the last boy, who pours it in the empty glass. The group which is able to fill the maximum amount of water in the glass, in three minutes, is declared the winner.
By participating in such leadership activities, boy scouts can improve their fitness levels and become mentally prepared to handle any kind of situation in life. Thus, it can be said that such activities and games contribute immensely to making men out of boys!