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Darts Throwing Technique

Abhijit Naik
Irrespective of whether you are playing darts to kill time or you intend to participate in some competition, mastering the technique can make the sport way more fun for you.
In darts, the players are supposed to throw darts on the dartboard, i.e., a circular board, with numbers engraved on it, hanging on the wall. The dartboard is hung in such a manner that the bullseye, i.e., the center of the board, is at a height of 5 feet 8 inches from the floor.
The darts are thrown from a distance of 2.369 meters, which is marked by a line referred to as the oche. When throwing darts, technique is definitely a major factor, however, most of the people fail to understand this. If you are able to master the correct technique, half the battle is already won.

Correct Stance

When we talk of technique, one of the most important aspects is the stance. As a dart player, it is very important for you to develop and maintain the correct stance.

Keep Your Arm Steady

Having a steady arm is a prerequisite when it comes to throwing darts and if you don't follow it, your throws are bound to be wobbly.

Don't Swing Your Body

Never swing your body when you throw the dart. Many beginners think that swinging their body will give them extra momentum and power, when, in fact, it only results in a wobbly throw, which is less likely to hit the bullseye.

Don't Swing Your Shoulder

Like your body, your shoulder should also be rock steady. You should not move your shoulder at any point of time throughout the throw.
Many people might tell you that the elbow should also be steady, which is a misconception. According to the right technique, the elbow has to be steady when you take the dart back, but while releasing, it has to gradually come up with the flow. It might seem tricky, but it will come automatically with release and follow-through.

Throwing Darts

Some people feel that the power with which you throw the dart should come from the body; again a misconception. The power should actually come from your fingers, wrist, and arm. Confused? Going through some simple dart throwing tips will make the concept easier.
  • You should hold the dart with your two fingers and the thumb. Use of the third finger will make the dart wobble or spin and miss the target.
  • You need to make sure that the grip on dart is neither too tight, nor too loose. In either case, it will directly affect the trajectory and power of the throw.
  • Just because the trajectory of the dart is a curve, you don't need to hold it at any particular angle. The curve will entirely depend on the technique you choose and your stance. You just have to hold the dart straight, pointing towards the board.
  • As you take the stance and aim, your eyes, the dart, and the board you intend to hit should come in one straight line, whilst you focus on the target.

  • Once you are focused, you can move the dart back at a steady pace before you finally release it in one go. How far behind you take the dart is dependent on the technique you are comfortable with.
  • When moving the dart back, you can either move it beneath your chin or near your cheek, whichever technique you are comfortable with, to avoid poking its rear portion into your face.

  • Releasing the dart properly is another important aspect. The release should be smooth and in one go, and more importantly should be backed by follow-through of the hand.
  • While throwing the dart, your hand should follow the dart in the direction of the target in one swift motion. As a part of the follow-through, the hand has to follow the same trajectory even after the dart is released.
Another misconception about darts that many beginners tend to have, is that acceleration improves your chances of hitting the target. The fact, however, is that the throw is improved by following the basics, right from stance and focus to release and follow-through.
You can check how far the dart is entering the board to find out whether you are throwing it correctly or not. Ideally, other than the pointed edge no part of the dart should touch the board. If it does, it means you are throwing with too much force. The key to success is consistency, and that can only come through regular practice.