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Fun Activities for Youth Groups

Aakash Singh
Youth activities can be fun, interesting, and help in team building, too. Numerous corporate giants undertake them for their employees to help them enhance their skills. Here are some new ideas of how to carry out such activities.
Today's youth spends most of their time glued to the TV, computer, or a gaming device. They are failing to spend more time with their friends and family because of lifestyle changes and technological advancements.
Taking part in group activities are a great way of spending quality time with friends. These are not only fun, but they also teach youngsters about bonding, friendship, and leadership.

Examples of Youth Activities

Trust Walk

In this game, the group should be divided into pairs. One person from a pair has to be blindfolded, while the other has to play the role of a leader.
The pair should be sent for a short trek where the leader is supposed to help the blindfolded person find his/her way by giving proper instructions. The area for the trek should be safe. Later, the partners can reverse their roles and replay again.

Building Blocks

In this activity, one of the group members will be assigned the role of a leader while the others have to be 'builders'. The builders will be given various building materials.
The leader will be shown a picture of an object which he verbally describes to help the builders build it. The builders will be refrained from seeing the object, where the leader is not allowed to help them build it physically. He must be precise while giving the instructions and the builders must learn to cooperate within the team to build the structure.

Guess Who?

Performing Christian youth activities is a great way of encouraging youngsters to visit the church and be interested in its many activities. Such activities will help them learn more about humane ways of living. In this particular activity, every member of the group will have a picture of a character from the Bible taped to his/her back.
The person will be unaware of which character is in the picture. He/she will have to question other members in order to identify who it is. The questions can be like, is the character a male or a female, is he/she from the New or Old Testament, etc.

Who Am I?

In this activity, every member of the group will write the name of a famous character on a card. All the cards will be exchanged between the members. One at a time, each person will enact the character mentioned on his/her card, while the others try to guess the correct answer. The first one to identify the character correctly wins the game.

Caterpillar Race

In this outdoor activity, every member will be tied to one another using a single rope. There will be a small track containing a few obstacles. The members will have to complete the track by helping one another tackle the obstacles. It is one of the best outdoor activities that help in building teamwork.