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Team Building Games for Children

Puja Lalwani
The importance of team building for children can be better taught by means of some interesting games and activities, rather than just explaining it to them verbally. Take a look at some games that kids can enjoy, while learning various important qualities that will help them throughout.
The sooner certain qualities are imbibed in children, the easier it is for them to apply them in the future. Team building is one such activity that enables the development of such qualities. Engaging in such activities helps children develop qualities such as effective communication skills, assertiveness, cooperation, and confidence.
It helps them deal with difficult situations by brainstorming, and coming up with suitable solutions. While children are encouraged to develop their individuality, team building enables them to imbibe the best from everyone they interact with, and helps them shape their own character and personality.

Guess Who

Divide the kids into 3 - 4 teams (based on the total number), and pick out one from each team to stand with her/his back against the blackboard. Write four different names (of celebrities, animals, teachers, or children in the class) above the head of each child.
The child should not be able to see these names. Each child gets a chance at asking questions about who the person is. These questions should only be 'yes' and 'no' questions, such as "is it a him or a her?" Or "is he tall?" These answers are to be given by their respective teams.
Take turns with each child so that there is no confusion. If the team responds with a yes, the child can ask more questions. If not, the next child's turn begins. The child to guess first wins the game.

Stop That Balloon

This is an outdoor activity that will also get them moving while learning the importance of team building. Have all the kids stand in a circle and hold hands. Toss in a balloon within the circle. The objective is to prevent the balloon from touching the ground, but without leaving each others' hands. Set a time limit, say one or two minutes.
To make the game more interesting, you can add in another balloon after a couple of seconds. If the balloon does happen to touch the ground, the kids will have to start all over again. This game is pure fun and will have the kids rollicking in laughter!

Let Me In, Let Me Out

In this game, the kids are required to stand in a circle and hold hands after stretching them out the full length, so that a large space is formed between each kid. One kid is chosen to travel in and out of these spaces, and while he does so, the children holding hands will suddenly drop their hands so that they tap the kid going through the spaces.
If they happen to catch the kid, he goes out of the game, and another kid is chosen for this task. This will make the circle smaller and the task tougher for each child progressing! A game of strategy, this one is mostly based on non-verbal communication, which is an essential aspect of team building.

Say What?

This game is sure to let all the kids have a blast! Divide all the kids into three groups. The purpose of the game is to have one team get across a message to another, while the third team stands in the middle and makes efforts to muffle the message by making louder noises.
It is a good idea to allow the teams to decide on how exactly they will communicate with each other, so that they can overpower the distracting team. Once the message is deciphered, the teams can switch the roles and enjoy the game. Strategizing in this game can help children develop skills like listening, communicating, and leadership.

I Have Never...

This is an interesting game that allows children to learn about each other. Kids are made to sit in a circle and spread their ten fingers before them. The game starts with one person saying what she has never done. For instance, she could say "I have never gone swimming".
The children in the group who have gone swimming will fold a finger, to indicate that they have engaged in such an activity. Each child who finishes all ten fingers is then out of the game. The game can be funny and enjoyable, and enable them to learn a lot about each other.
These kinds of games help them develop important qualities by providing an equal amount of fun. Fun just ensures that what they learn from the game is remembered. What you cannot explain by mere words, you can explain by having them engage in such enjoyable activities. It is sure to leave a deeper and lasting impression.