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Smart Winning Chess Moves

Madhurjya Bhattacharyya
Chess requires high levels of skill, ability to think forward, and intelligent maneuver of pieces. There are a few moves, which, if you apply, will help you win the game quickly.
Chess requires a lot of thought and strategy, tends to be long, making it tiring for some. A note of warning though - an experienced chess player would not fall to these tricks, as there are no sure short ways of winning a game quickly.
Try to analyze the moves given, so that you can understand the intricacies involved. Assuming that you know the rules of chess and how the squares are numbered, we have mentioned here some moves which can help you win quickly.

Chess Strategies

While playing a piece, make sure you don't move the same piece more than once during the opening stages of the game. Try to develop a particular position with different pieces. To do this, bring pieces into play first, and then attack the opponent's pieces.
However, it does not mean that if your piece has been attacked, you would not move any of your pieces a number of times in succession. It is recommended that you play the knights on both the sides, before moving the bishops.
Another strategy, never move a single piece into your opponent's side without the support of other pieces. Try not to play a move beyond the fourth square on your side, until you have other pieces well-developed.
While you develop your pieces, make sure that you castle on one side, but do not open the pawn file in front of the king after castling. This makes your king vulnerable.
At times, it may so happen that if you take a piece, your opponent may be able to take two of your pieces. Another thing you should remember is not to exchange a bishop for a knight early in the game. The bishops have a longer range, so it's advisable to keep them as long as possible. Both bishops and knights are equally important in the end game.
Try to avoid attacks at an early stage of a game. Most of the time, games are lost because beginners don't follow this principle.

Winning Chess in 3 Moves

One of the quickest and most common winning chess moves is the three move mate. By using this trick, you can try to checkmate your opponent in just three moves. However, experienced players will not fall for this bait, and will see through your trick. You can only apply this if you are playing a novice.
► Start the game by moving the pawn in front of your king.
► Your opponent moves the pawn in front of the bishop on the king's side.

► Move the queen three squares diagonally, and place her on the file of the king's knight.

► Your opponent moves the pawn in front of the rook on the king's side.
► Move your queen two squares forward, and place it in g6, and you have a checkmate. The king can't move, and there is no piece which your opponent can place between your queen and his king.

The formal notation is: e3 (or e4) f6, Qg4 h6 (or h5), Qg6++.

Winning Moves in Chess

There are some chess moves to win quickly, in around 15 to 17 moves. Here, we give you the moves along with the name by which these moves are commonly called.
4 Knights: Rubenstein's Defense

1. e4 e5, 2. Nf3 Nc6, 3. Nc3 Nf6, 4. Bb5 Nd4, 5. Nxe5 Qe7, 6. Ng4 Nxe4, 7. 0-0 Nxb5, 8. Nxb5 d5, 9. d3 Qh4, 10. Ne3 Bc5, 11. Nxd5 Nxf2, 12. Qf3 Ng4+, 13. Be3 Qh2++.
Queen's Gambit

d4 Nc6, 2. c4 d5, 3. Nc3 Nf6, 4. Bg5 dxc4, 5. e4 Qxd4, 6. Nf3 Qxd1+, 7. Rxd1 Na5, 8. b4 Nc6, 9. Bxc4 Nxb4, 10. 0-0, Bd7. 11. Ne5, 0-0-0, 12. Nxf7, Ba4, 13. Rxd8++.
Morphy's Fried Liver Attack

e4 e5, 2. Nf3 Nc6, 3. Bc4 Nf6, 4. Ng5 d5, 5. e4xd5 Nxd5, 6. Nxf7 Kxf7, 7. Qf3+ Ke6, 8. Nc3 Nd4, 9. Bxd5+ Kd6, 10. Qf7 Kc5, 11. Na4+ Kb5, 12. Nc3+ Ka5, 13. b4+ Kxb4, 14. Rb1+ Kc5, 15. Ba3++.
Queen Pawn (Irregular)

1. d4 Nf6, 2. c4 d5, 3. c4xd5 Nxd5, 4. e4 Nb6, 5. Nf3 h5, 6. Nc3 Bg4, 7. h3 Bxf3, 8. Qxf3 Qxd4, 9. Be3 Qf6, 10. Nb5 Na6, 11. Bxb6 Qxf3, 12. g2xf3 a7xb6, 13. Rd1 c6 14. a4 c6xb5, 15. Bxb5++.
Queen's Gambit Accepted

d4 d5, 2. c4 e6, 3. Nc3 d5xc4, 4. e4 Bd6, 5. Bxc4 Nf6, 6. e5 Bb4, 7. e5xf6 Qxf6, 8. Nf3 0-0, 9. Bg5 Qf5, 10. 0-0 e5, 11. Bd3 e4, 12. Bxe4 Qd7, 13. Nd5 Bd6, 14. Qd3 Nc6, 15. Nf6 g7xf6, 16. Bxh7 Kh8, 17. Bxf6++.
So, the next time you play against a budding chess player, try these tricks out, and win against your opponent. Your success or failure with these depends on how knowledgeable your opponent is.